Welcome to Finance-Spain.com. If you are an expatriate living in Seville in need of financial advice then please read on!
Seville is one of Spain's most beautiful cities. An absolute haven of cosmopolitan lifestyle and stunning architecture. Seville is southwest Spain on the Guadalquivir River north-northeast of
Cádiz. An important settlement under the Romans, Vandals, and Visigoths, it was conquered by the Moors in a.d. 712 and later taken by Ferdinand III of Castile, who made it his royal residence in
1248. The city especially prospered after the discovery of the New World and served as the chief port of colonial trade until the early 18th century
Are you an expat living in Seville? Our independent financial advice is specific to residents of Spain. Why not contact us to arrange a free
consultation in Seville, at your home or a convenient location for you. Call us anytime on 951 390 201 or get in touch using the quick form below. .
What do we do?
We specialise in financial planning and tax mitigation for expats in Seville, Spain and the rest of Europe. From savings and investments to pensions and retirement planning
- we are a company proud of our excellent reputation for giving professional and ethical advice to clients worldwide.
For more information on our services please click here.
Patrick Macdonald ASCI
International Financial Adviser
Our unique international strategies help protect your assets and grow your wealth wherever you call home