Welcome to Finance-Spain.com, the leading expat financial planning portal for residents of Spain. We are pleased to offer our services in Valencia - delivered by qualified, experienced, professional advisers with the backing of a regulated, respected brand. This is important as it gives our clients peace of mind and confidence that they are receiving the best advice possible. Our initial consultations are free of charge and, following the fact find process, we will produce an in depth report in which we will detail our recommendations to you. So what areas does our advice cover? Investment Management - Our aim is to look after your money and deliver growth and/or income from your investments in a tax efficient manner. We use actively managed funds that are approved in Spain for your peace of mind, building portfolios from reliable fund houses with experienced fund managers. We can also use tracker products such as passive funds. Tax Planning - Never has there been a more important time to make sure your investments and pensions are held within a structure that is not only legal in Spain but also enables the maximum tax efficiency and asset protection. This allows for compound growth over the medium to long term. Retirement planning - Whether you are already retired, close to retiring on just starting out on the pensions road - the need for professional advice is crucial. Whether you would like information and advice on the benefits of QROPS transfers, pensions in Spain or to start a regular retirement savings plan please give us a call today.
For more information on our services please click here.